Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Creating a Beautiful Focal Point Using Candle Lanterns

Miss America 2010 Caressa Cameron - Candle lanterns come in a host of sizes, styles, colors, shapes, and price ranges. With that being said, if you are looking for that WOW! factor at your next event, you cannot afford not to add candle lanterns to your décor.

It does not matter whether you are planning a wedding, anniversary bash, baby shower, Christmas party, Labor Day gathering, 4th of July BBQ, or any special event, using candle lanterns to create a beautiful focal point is the way to go. I am going to show you how to create a focal point around your banquet table.

If your gathering is a less formal one, apply these ideas to the table in which you provide your guest for eating. The only difference is the type of accessories and style of candle lanterns you use.


The first thing you want to do is decide on your lighting budget. Do your homework. The internet has hundreds, if not thousands, of online shops that sell candle lanterns. Do some comparison shopping to get a general idea of what you can afford to purchase. Keep in mind that typically the smaller the candle lanterns the cheaper the price.

Don't be afraid to purchase small lanterns, they can have just as much of an impact on your design scheme as the larger ones.

Pros to renting candle lanterns

Some prefer to rent candle lanterns for their social event. The benefit to renting is you are not stuck with having to store all those candle lanterns after the event is over.

Cons to renting candle lanterns

The drawback to renting is that it cost almost as much, and in some cases more, to rent than it does to buy. Also, candle lanterns are very durable. They can be re-used year after year. So, if you believe that you will be hosting more than one event within the next two - three years, renting is not a good option.

Choosing the right candle lanterns style

Another thing to keep in mind when shopping around is the various styles of candle lanterns you are attracted to. Always consider what type of event you are hosting. If you are hosting a bridal shower you would fair out better selecting candle lanterns that have more of an elegant style rather than ones that are rustic. If it's a backyard BBQ then consider candle lanterns that are simplistic in nature with clean lines and not too ornate. If you are hosting a July 4th outdoor event consider the color white and add the colors red and blue with tablecloths, napkins, and accessories.

To keep things from becoming too complicated, when you are doing your comparison shopping pay close attention to the types of candle lanterns you migrate towards most often, choose one, and build your theme around it.

How many candle lanterns do I need to purchase?

It all depends on the size of the table you will be placing your candle lanterns on. You will however need to purchase at the very least three. Purchase a larger candle lantern to serve as your centerpiece and two smaller ones to compliment it.

The candle lanterns you purchase do not have to be of the same design but they should be of the same style. An example of design is when all your candle lanterns look exactly alike. They do not have to all look alike. An example of style is if you choose a Moroccan style candle lantern for your centerpiece, you should choose a Moroccan style candle lantern for your side pieces. Meaning they can look different, but they should all be from the same "family" of candle lanterns.

How do I create my candle lanterns theme?

1. If your budget is very small, consider limiting your decorating to a small area that will become a focal point within your space. As your budget permits, take the ideas listed here and expand on them.

2. Start by analyzing the main room where your guests will be gathering. When you first entered the room what area immediately caught your eyes? That will most likely be the best area for a focal point.

3. Place a large table in your focal point area. Lay a decorative tablecloth on it. Make sure your tablecloth fits well within the "theme" you are trying to create. Also, be sure that the tablecloth is not wrinkled or soiled in any way. It may sound funny but it has been known to happen.

4. Be sure you purchase a tablecloth that is the right size for your table. It should not hang longer than 4-5 inches down from the sides of the table. The reason for this is the tablecloth should never come in contact with the lap of the person sitting at the table.

5. Keep in mind that you do not have to limit yourself to traditional tablecloths. Visit a fabric store and consider purchasing a few yards of fabric, cut to size, and sew a hem at the bottom. This is a great way to add a very unique element to your table. After all, it is the backdrop on which your candle lanterns will rest.

6. If your budget permits, purchase enough fabric to cover the backs of the chairs. Buy yards of wide ribbon in a complimentary color and use it to secure fabric by tying a bow.

7. Add your centerpiece candle lantern in the center of the table. This should be the largest one you purchased.

8. Add the smaller coordinating lanterns on the left and right side of your centerpiece.

9. If you have several rectangular tables grouped together, repeat this process paying careful attention to how you space each candle lantern arrangement. You want your lanterns to be displayed in a uniform manner.

10. Now add coordinating accessories to your table. Do not limit your color scheme to just one single color. That is boring and the WOW! factor will be lost due to a lack of color. You should have no less than 3 unique colors at your table. What I mean by unique is if your color is red, do not use a second color of red in a different shade. Choose the shade of red you like best and complement it with the color white or another color of your choosing. This not the time to be afraid to use color. Color catches the eye in a beautiful way. It will set the tone for the entire room.

11. Some accessory ideas are garland (used very sparingly), live flowers, silk floral arrangements, live ivy (instead of the garland), beautifully coordinated cloth napkins, napkin rings, china, party favors, programs, menus, place cards, and scrolls.

12. Browse through magazines to get more ideas as to what you can use to decorate your table in a style that is pleasing to your eyes.

13. Depending on your budget, you might want to consider renting pedestals of two different heights. On the taller pedestal, place a large candle lantern. On the smaller one place a beautiful potted fern. Take some of your garland or live ivy and drape it around the pedestals from the top leading around the sides. Usually one or two strands are more than enough. In this case, less is more.

14. Be sure that whatever types of potted plant you choose you use it all throughout your room. You want to create a look of uniformity within the space. If you place different "types" of plants on pedestals, you run the risk of causing the eye to stop at each pedestal instead of viewing the decorating scheme as a whole.

15. Just before your guests are scheduled to arrive, light the candles. If you use scented candles, then before long the room will be filled with a beautiful fragrance.

16. The light from the candles will cast a beautiful glow down onto the potted ferns portraying breath taking shadows against the wall behind them. This will also give your space a beautiful lighting scheme. One your guests will not soon forget.

17. Now sit back and watch the reaction of your guest as they arrive.

Creating a beautiful focal point using candle lanterns is not a complicated as it may seem. Candle lanterns are the world's original source of artificial lighting. They date back to prehistoric days.

Americans all across the globe have been using candle lanterns as a major part of their design schemes for decades. This is your opportunity to use candle lanterns to make a statement and create a WOW! factor at your next social gathering.

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Money Free

Ruby Alamsyah - The National Credit Act (NCA) has changed the way people lower money debt. In addition to regulating credit transactions, credit providers, and credit information, the NCA promotes debt counselling, the system of educating people on how to further prevent incurring un-payable debts.

The Act has brought debt consolidation, the power to drop or else merge different amounts outstanding into one, to South Africans. People at this moment possess money management options as well as debt counselling. The NCA additionally stipulates that credit providers notify their payees about debt counselling more willingly than taking action against individuals who have defaulted on payments. As soon as informed, consumers have 10 days to get a debt counsellor.

Debt counselling is monitored by the National Credit Regulator (NCR), the regulating body which enforces the NCA. The NCR monitors debt counsellors to ensure they obey with the Act. Only NCR registered counsellors possess the authority to deal with the courts as soon as people enter into demanding credit agreements.

People must simply deal with debt counsellors who adhere to the following values:

- Debt counselling is offered to any person searching for a money free way to lower debt. Counsellors operate with clients to find out if they are uncapable to reimburse creditors since complete monthly expenses surpass their wages.

- Debt counsellors have got to justify all costs. Most counsellors charge R50 plus a service-application fee. Although, the Act can not standardize extra costs. That being so, clients must ask for all up-front costs. The NCR provides funds for lower-income clients who can't pay for money management.

- Counsellors have to describe the value of money management. People who undergo debt counselling can't make use of credit cards. Credit bureaus can additionally show up persons who make use of debt counselling. Prior to entering into an agreement, people must know that debt consolidation may well affect their capability to borrow money in the future.

Once you qualify to lower money trouble, creditors are notified that you are under debt review. Throughout this procedure, counsellors develop structured repayment plans (also recognized as debt management) to put forward to creditors. Once your supplier accepts the proposal, the court ratifies the arrangement. Once ratified, the arrangement becomes a official agreement. A payment distribution company will take money from your salary to distribute to creditors. As the company controls your monthly payments, you operate money free. Work with your debt counsellor to decrease money debt while keeping sufficient money meant for living expenses.

If the supplier discards the debt-repayment strategy, a court order is obtained by the counsellor. Clients are accountable for those legal costs. However, counsellors have to reveal this information and as a client, you decide to this in writing.

As a user of debt counselling, you have got to stick to to the following principles:

- While under debt review, you can't apply for added credit.
- You have to submit to with the orders set forth by the counsellor.

If clients fail to submit to with the above duties, a counsellor has the right to end the debt-review process. When ended, the NCA no longer protects people. Therefore, they no longer work money free to lower their money debt.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Cara Meningkatkan Libido Wanita

Obat Perangsang Wanita, telah menjadi trend bagi sebagain wanita dewasa serta yang sudah punya suami. Bisakah obat perangsang tersebut benar - benar meningkatkan kemauan sek para wanita dewasa? Ataukah obat tersebut hanya merupakan obat yang kurang berguna serta bermanfaat. Dengan adanya pertanyaan serta pernyataan seperti itu, kita tak mungkin tahu tentang apapun obat yang mengenai rangsangan bagi wanita dewasa.

Obat Perangsang wanita bisa meningkatkan libido wanita cantik serta seksi atau sintak dan montok? Bagaimana meningkatakan Libido wanita cantik itu, kita mesti tahu dan mengerti caranya.LIBIDO rendah adalah masalah umum kehidupan seseorang, tapi tenang, gangguan ini bisa disembuhkan. Terdapat banyak cara meningkatkan birahi Anda dan ternyata, testosteron adalah jawabannya.

Seperti dilansir Sheknows, Senin (11/1/2010), hormon pria, testosteron, tidak hanya untuk pria. Jika masalah libido rendah adalah akibat faktor hormonal, testosterone replacement therapy bisa jadi solusi.

Testosteron bukanlah untuk setiap wanita dengan libido rendah, tapi secara khusus untuk wanita menjelang menopause. Jadi, terapi tersebut juga memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan.

Penyebab libido rendah

Seperti kebanyakan perubahan pada tubuh, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi penyebabnya. Beberapa penyebab fisik yang memengaruhi perubahan libido, termasuk masalah seksual (nyeri selama bercinta/dyspareunia, sulit mencapai orgasme/anorgasmia), penyakit (arthritis, kanker, diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit pembuluh koroner, neurological), obat-obatan (antidepressant, obat tekanan darah tinggi, obat kemoterapi, antihistamine), alkohol, drugs, operasi (payudara, daerah kemaluan), kelelahan, perubahan hormonal, menopause, kehamilan, dan menyusui.

Sementara faktor psikologis yang berdampak pada libido rendah adalah tentang bagaimana perasaan Anda terhadap tubuh, hidup Anda, dan pasangan. Seks bukanlah melulu tentang bagaimana Anda merespons aksi intim pasangan, merasa diri seksi juga berpengaruh. Beberapa penyebabnya bisa karena kecemasan, depresi, stres, miskin imej tubuh, harga diri rendah, trauma kekerasan seksual, konflik dalam hubungan cinta, dan sebagainya.

Merasa terhubung secara emosional dengan pasangan berdampak pada bagaimana perasaan Anda saat bercinta dengannya. Nyatanya, selera seks wanita juga termasuk intimasi mental.

Masalah hubungan yang bisa berpengaruh pada libido rendah adalah kurang hubungan emosional dengan pasangan, konflik yang tidak terselesaikan, kurang komunikasi seputar kebutuhan dan keinginan seks, ketidaksetiaan hingga memecah rasa percaya, dan lainnya.

Testosteron untuk mendongkrak libido

Testosteron bukan hanya untuk pria. Hormon ini sebenarnya juga diproduksi dalam jumlah kecil pada indung telur wanita dan kelenjar-kelenjar yang berhubungan dengan adrenalin (adrenal glands).

Saat usia mendekati 40 tahun, jumlah hormon estrogen, progesteron, dan androgen (testosteron) Anda mulai berkurang. Jika Anda telah mencapai menopause ataupun indung telur diangkat, tingkat testosteron akan turun. Bahkan lebih jauh mengalami gejala kekurangan androgen, misalnya hasrat seksual dan tenaga menurun.

Hormon ini dianggap penyebab di balik aksi kekerasan dan kemarahan seseorang, tapi dalam dosis terkontrol, testosteron bisa bermanfaat bagi wanita menopause. Hormone replacement therapy, khususnya bagi wanita libido rendah yang penyebabnya bukan karena faktor fisik ataupun emosional.

Estrogen and progesteron tidak selalu cukup

Meski kebanyakan dokter meresepkan estrogen dan progesteron replacement therapy untuk melindungi wanita dari serangan osteoporosis, hilangnya kepadatan tulang, penyakit Alzheimer, mengurangi perubahan mood, rasa kepanasan, dan kekeringan Miss V, tapi hormon-hormon tersebut tidak bisa meningkatkan hasrat seksual ataupun meningkatkan tenaga.

Dr William Regelson MD, penulis “The Superhormone Promise” menegaskan, testosteron adalah bagian yang hilang dari puzzle hormone replacement therapy. "Untuk kebanyakan wanita yang merasa diri mereka tidak lagi berhasrat seks, bagian yang hilang dari blueprint adalah testosteron."

Dr Regelson menemukan bahwa melibatkan testosteron dalam hormone replacement therapy, bahkan untuk jangka pendek, bisa mengubah tahapan hormon yang normal dan membantu wanita untuk lebih baik dalam menghadapi perubahan estrogen dan progesteron.

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Secrets of the Mage Class to Make Tons of Gold With Magic by: Carlos Castro

Ramalan Bintang | Ramalan Cinta | Ramalan jodoh - The Mage Class is considered one of the best to make gold with if your a gold farming vet. This is because of the Mage Class' ability to lure mobs almost as much as they want, this is because they can do some cool area damage that other Classes can't. You can see why this ability is considered so valuable if used smartly. But how can you put the Mage's ability and put it all together to make some serious gold. Let's take a look at a few things.

The greatness of the WoW Mage class is its ability to do AOE (Area of Effect) damage. AOE damage is very effective because you don't have to target individual enemies, you can target an area or you are the anchor. If you are the anchor then the damage effects radiate outward to a pre-determined range that affect all targets within the area. Very powerful stuff.

So let's highlight a few secret areas and ways to use this great AOE damage effect to your gold making advantage.

One place you can really profit from with the Mage Class is Nagrand in the Outlands. Here you will find Voidspawns, knock those babies out and stock up on the Mote of Shadows and Motes of Fire. Remember that ten Mote of Shadows/Motes of Fire gets you a Primal Shadow/Primal Fire, if you don't know by now, each Primal Shadow should get you about 30 in gold. Yowzers!

Another place you can go to make gold with the WoW Mage Class is the Torokkar Forest around the Allerian Stronghold, in this area there are two creatures take out - different kinds of Basilisks, and the Warp Stalker. The Warp Stalker will give you Warped Flesh at a high drop rate. If your smart you should have gotten the Skinning Profession because then you would be able to skin the Basilisks and get some Knothide Leather. That is a powerful combination that a lot of WoW gamers don't think of. You can also get the Chunk O Basilisk which is equally valuable. You can really stock up and make some serious profit this way. Make sure you got some big bags, you'll need them.

There you go, a few ways to make some gold with the WoW Mage Class. Use your imagination and get creative, there is a ton of gold to make for all the Classes but the Mage Class is one of the best. Good luck.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Indie Film The Graduates Rocks Box Office

Film Nine| Sinopsis film Nine |Nine Movie Video Trailer, Indie Film The Graduates Rocks Box Office. So, I saw this movie the other week because a friend told me it was online for free as some kind of a promo. I wasn't expecting much - it looked like another standard teen sex romp movie on the outside - but I found that there was a lot more to "The Graduates" than other movies in its genre.

Let's face it, a lot of comedies made today suck. I mean: "Scream 4"!? "Disaster Movie"? Come on! What happened to the smart, clever movies that people like Steve Martin USED to make, like "The Jerk?" Now all you have to do is say or do something outlandish or weird in order to get a movie made (cough - Will Ferrell).

Judd Apatow's crew are on the right track. They've put the emphasis back on character and relationships, but the people that did "The Graduates" seem to be pushing for more - something with quality acting and grounded relationships - things that people can relate to and connect to and FEEL for.

I don't remember the last time I saw a teen sex comedy or coming of age comedy where I really gave a hoot whether the characters/actors lived or died - and that's just what happened for me with "The Graduates." I liked "The Graduates." I really did. I liked it even MORE when I found out that it was made for under $100,000.00. Now that's impressive. Think of how much money is wasted on such terrible movies, then see this movie - wow.

I saw all these bizarre reviews/comments on their page which really didn't make sense - a rating of 4.4? Weird, vague comments by other users who didn't seem to be talking about the same movie I saw and openly admitting that they only watched 30 mins of a 90 min film? I hope that this blemish doesn't hurt the success of this otherwise well-received film.

The plot is pretty typical, but it's what they DO with it that matters. The cinematography and direction is pretty straight forward, which makes sense for a film like this on this scale - you can only do so much with a small budget and you only SHOULD do so much with a character-driven piece.

The acting? From these unknowns? Really kind of impressive - I saw that Nick Vergara, who plays Mattie in the film, got commended by my favorite website: FilmschoolRejects.com. I agree with their review. There really are no weak links in this film in terms of the talent.

I found more info at www.TheGraduatesMovie.com about the film and got a free soundtrack and I will see it again when/if it plays near me.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Dua WNI Bertahan Hidup

Gempa Haiti, Dua warga negara Indonesia masih bisa bertahan pada gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 7,0 skalaricheter yang menimpa ibukota Haiti, Port au Prince, Selasa (12/1) lalu. Namun tiga warga lainnya hingga kini masih dinyatakan hilang.

Kantor perwakilan Indonesia di New York, mengindentifikasikan korban yang bertahan dalam bencana tersebut antara lain Endang Satriyani dan Yogi Anggoro. Sementara korban yang hilang hingga kini belum dapat terindentifikasi.

Dewan Keamananan PBB, Hasan Kleib, menyebutkan, Endang dan Yogi adalah sukarelawan di organisasi Minustah di Port au Prince.

"Mereka berusaha keluar dari kantor sebelum runtuh," kata Hasan seraya mengatakan bahwa stafnya telah berusaha menghubungi mereka melalui seorang pekerja Indonesia, Luigi Pralangga, di organisasi tersebut di Liberia.

Luigi mengatakan, ada tiga wanita Indonesia lainnya di Haiti. "Yogi mengaku jika dirinya pernah bertemu dengan mereka di Port au Prince. Ketiga wanita itu berasal dari Bali tetapi nama mereka masih belum diketahui. Seorang pelapor mengatakan mereka bekerja di Hotel Caribee di Port-au-Prince," kata Hasan.

Sementara, kantor perwakilan Indonesia di New York, bersama dengan petugas Minustah di New York dan Port au Prince masih melakukan pencarian terhadap ketiga warga Indonesia yang dinyatakan hilang tersebut.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Hypothyroidism and Menopause

Ramalan Bintang terbaru, Menopause is regarded by most women as the most challenging episode in their lives. This is because menopause can cause a great deal of bodily changes as well as psychological ones. In any case, menopause poses a lot of problems, most of which is due to hormonal changes. In turn, these hormonal changes may trigger other reactions in the body that can cause adverse effects. One of the reactions due to hormonal changes is hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is defined when a persons’ thyroid gland is sluggish or does not produce enough hormones. As a result of the reduction of these hormones, certain bodily functions, especially metabolism, are severely restricted. Hypothyroidism is one of the many ailments that can affect women. The situation can cause weight gain, a sluggish metabolism, as well as other adverse health effects.

How Are Menstruation and Hypothyroidism Related?

The correlation between hypothyroidism and menopause should be alarming enough. Although only about 20 percent of hypothyroidism cases is due to menopause, what is undeniable is that menstrual changes are still the main cause for having hypothyroidism. When a woman approaches her menopausal years, her body undergoes radical hormonal changes. These changes then manifest physically in mood swings, cold and hot flushes, irritability, and so many other symptoms associated with menopause. In some instances, the changes may be so drastic as to effect the way that a woman’s self esteem.

The incidence of hypothyroidism is greater in women than in men. This greater incidence in women is a result of the need to delicately balance the hormones in a woman’s body. If the balance is not maintained, the result is detrimental to the thyroid gland and may lead to hypothyroidism. Another factor which causes a greater incidence of the ailment in women than in men is that because the hormonal balance in a woman is altered every now and then due to her monthly period.

Most cases of hypothyroidism in women is due to having greater amounts of estrogen as opposed to the level of progesterone. When this happens, the way to treating the condition is to limit estrogen production to balance the level of progesterone.

What are the Ways to Treat Hormonal Disorders due to Menopause?

Although menopause-related hormonal disorders are quite common, the consensus is that one should let them be, allowing the body to heal them naturally. This in spite of the fact that hormonal changes may cause adverse effects on the body. However, in the event of more lasting hormonal disorder such as hypothyroidism, there is a need to intervene with the situation, especially when the person is long past the menopausal stage.

The following are some of the methods for treating hypothyroidism:

* Through hormone-stimulating drugs. This is usually done to convert the thyroxine hormone in the body into a form that can be easily and readily used by the body.

* Using progesterone creams to offset the estrogen dominance in the body. Doing so provides a quick solution to high level of estrogen as opposed to a lower level of progesterone.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Ketidakadilan Di Dalam Lapas

Video Foto Sel Kamar Tahanan Mewah Artalyta, Ruang sel (asli) Arthalita Suryani, di Rutan Pondok Bambu, Jakarta, Senin (11/1). Foto: Agung Putu Iskandar/Jawa Pos.
Meringkuk dalam sel tidak berarti Artalyta Suryani tak bisa menikmati kebebasan dan kenyamanan. Penyuap jaksa Urip Tri Gunawan dengan duit USD 660 ribu itu justru mendapat fasilitas serta akses istimewa di Rutan Pondok Bambu.

Laporan AGUNG PUTU, Jakarta

SEJATINYA, wanita yang biasa dipanggil Ayin itu menempati sel berukuran 4x3 meter di Blok Anggrek. Blok sel tersebut berhadap-hadapan dengan kantin dan pos penjagaan Rumah Tahanan (Rutan) Pondok Bambu. Sel itu sama seperti sel lainnya. Pintu masuk sel rangkap dua. Satu pintu biasa di sisi dalam dan satu pintu terali dengan besi menutupinya.

Sel tersebut berkapasitas tiga orang. Namun, di sel itu, terpidana lima tahun tersebut tinggal berdua dengan Asmiyati, tahanan narkoba yang dihukum dua tahun enam bulan.

Sel itu merupakan sel resmi Artalyta. Buktinya, di depan sel, sebuah pigura digantungkan. Di pigura tersebut terdapat tulisan keterangan penghuni sel dan kapasitasnya. Tertulis jelas nama Artalyta di situ, lengkap dengan undang-undang yang dilanggar. Yakni, UU No 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi.

Namun, sel itu hanya kedok bagi Ayin. Sebenarnya, sehari-hari Ayin tidak tinggal di sel tersebut. Sel itu hanya ditempati bila "dibutuhkan". Yakni, ketika ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang ingin mengecek apakah Ayin ditahan atau tidak. Itu pun sangat jarang.

Setelah penggerebekan oleh Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum pada Minggu (10/1) malam kemarin, Ayin langsung dimasukkan sel itu. "Kasihan Bu Ayin. Dia juga manusia. Dia nggak mau diganggu sekarang," kata Sarju Wibowo, Kepala Rutan Pondok Bambu, saat Jawa Pos hendak mengecek apakah Ayin benar-benar berada dalam sel itu.

Jarak sel Ayin dengan ruangan khusus yang digerebek Satgas memang agak jauh. Ruang spesial itu terletak di lantai tiga. Kalau berjalan dari sel dan ruang kelas "VIP" itu, setidaknya butuh waktu dua puluh menit. Apalagi untuk Ayin yang sudah 50 tahun. Waktu yang dibutuhkan bisa lebih. Karena itu, saat digerebek, Ayin tertangkap basah. Dia tidak sempat kabur menuju selnya yang sebenarnya.

Namun, fasilitas untuk Ayin tak hanya ruangan spesial itu. Ayin juga mendapat "privilege" lain. Misalnya, jam besuk. Di Rutan Pondok Bambu, jam besuk narapidana dan tahanan dibedakan. Untuk narapidana, jam besuk selambatnya pukul 15.00 pada hari Selasa, Rabu dan Kamis. Untuk tahanan, jamnya sama pada Senin hingga Jumat. Namun, aturan itu tak berlaku untuk Ayin yang sudah narapidana. Jam berapa pun dan hari apa pun, dia bebas dibesuk.

Salah satu orang rutan menuturkan, Ayin bebas dibesuk kapan saja. Bahkan, pada Minggu pun, beberapa anak Ayin terlihat membesuk. Tamu Ayin terus mengalir. Bahkan, banyak yang datang hingga larut malam. Tamu Ayin selalu menggunakan mobil dan berpakaian rapi. "Kalau pas banyak, tempat parkir sampai penuh," ungkapnya.

Pernyataan itu diperkuat Sumantri, salah seorang penjual rujak ulek di depan rutan. Menurut dia, kalau yang membesuk orang dari perusahaan, beberapa mobil terlihat diparkir. Namun, kalau yang membesuk adalah anak Ayin, mereka biasanya menggunakan Suzuki APV. Setidaknya, ada anggota keluarga Ayin yang rutin membesuk. "Saya hafal. Sebab, sopirnya sering ngobrol sama saya kalau ke sini," ungkapnya.

Kalau membesuk, keluarga Ayin tidak membawa barang-barang yang umumnya dibawa para pembesuk, seperti makanan ringan dan minuman. Mereka yang masuk malah tidak membawa apa-apa. Sebab, Ayin memang hidup serba tercukupi di ruangan istimewa itu. Ruangan tersebut memiliki kulkas khusus soft drink, dapur, serta lemari penuh makanan.

Selain itu, kalau butuh makanan dan minuman, Ayin tinggal meng-order salah seorang pesuruh rutan untuk berbelanja. "Biasanya, dia suka menyuruh ke Supermarket Giant," ujar Sumantri, menunjuk swalayan yang hanya berjarak 100 meter dari rutan khusus wanita itu.

Kalau mood Ayin sedang ingin jajan, pesuruh memesan makanan kepada penjual di depan rutan. Ketika makanan sudah jadi, penjual makanan langsung mengantar ke ruangan khusus Ayin di lantai tiga itu. Petugas rutan tak banyak bertanya kalau penjual makanan sudah menyebut nama Ayin. "Biasanya Bu Ayin pesan bakso. Sukanya bakso urat," ungkap Sumantri.

Kendati disuruh mengantar makanan langsung, mereka tak boleh memasuki ruangan di blok A itu. Di antara beberapa penjual makanan yang ditemui Jawa Pos, tidak ada yang boleh memasuki ruangan tersebut. Makanan mereka biasanya diterima pembantu atau orang dekat Ayin.

"Kami hanya mengantar sampai luar. Karena itu, kami kaget juga ketika ada berita bahwa di dalamnya kayak hotel," ujar salah seorang penjual makanan.

Salah seorang pesuruh rutan menambahkan, Ayin mempekerjakan tiga pembantu. Mereka memiliki job berbeda-beda. Dua pembantu menjadi babysitter, yang satu pembantu biasa. Ayin memang membutuhkan bantuan para pengasuh bayi itu. Sebab, dia mengadopsi bayi.

Pesuruh rutan yang enggan namanya disebutkan itu, tidak tahu bayi siapa yang diadopsi Ayin. Yang dia ketahui, itu adalah bayi mantan narapidana. Tiap pagi dirinya kerap memergoki bayi itu dibawa masuk oleh dua babysitter tersebut. Kalau malam, mereka baru pulang.

Bayi itu sering tak ikut tidur di kamar khusus Ayin tersebut. Mereka lebih sering datang setiap hari. "Biasanya membawa tas kotak besar. Mungkin isinya alat-alat untuk bayi," jelasnya.

Namun, saat ditemui di rutan kemarin pagi, Ayin tak mengeluarkan sepatah kata pun. Wanita yang saat itu mengenakan kemeja putih garis-garis tersebut hanya menangis ketika dikonfirmasi soal ruangan khusus itu. Selain Ayin, Lien Marita alias Aling (kasus narkoba), Darmawati Dareho (kasus korupsi), serta Ines Wulandari (kasus korupsi), juga terlihat berkumpul.

Darmawati yang terlihat lebih tegar justru membela Ayin. Dia meminta agar para wartawan berhenti memberitakan mereka. "Jangan dibesar-besarkan. Kami di sini terzalimi. Siapa pun tidak ada yang ingin masuk penjara. Kami di sini seperti burung yang patah sayapnya," kata penyuap Abdul Hadi Djamal, anggota DPR, untuk memuluskan proyeknya tersebut.

Penampilan Darmawati kemarin sangat menarik. Lengkap dengan lipstik dan rambut yang terawat. Dia mengenakan kemeja paduan garis-garis merah marun dan kuning. Celana jins Darmawati pun gaul, yakni celana pensil, celana jins yang di ujungnya dibuat mengecil. Model baru yang sedang ngetren di kalangan remaja.

Setelah mukanya sembap menangis saat pagi, sorenya Jawa Pos mengunjungi Darmawati lagi. Ketika ditemui, dia sedang duduk di sebuah ruangan rutan bersama seorang tahanan. Saat ditemui, Darmawati sempat tersenyum kepada Jawa Pos. "Ini apa lagi? Mau bilang kalau Darmawati sekarang sedang santai dan senyum-senyum. Nanti saya terkenal lagi," ujarnya

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Find the Best Mobile Phone Deals

Samsung Omnia Pro B7610, Now every class of people can afford a mobile phone because of various deals and offers. Mobile phone deals play a very important role and users can choose the deal according to their present requirements.

To get the suitable mobile phone deals we should take good care of all the options. You can find lot of deals such as contract, Payg, orange, 02, T and 3 these days. T-mobile, 02 and orange are the popular networks of U.K. Among them Contract and Payg are the most popular.

Contract Mobile Phone Deals:

In this deal you are bind to a particular service provider for twelve or eighteen months. The users have to sign a contract and after signing the it the users get the services. You can not change your network service provider by your choice, you can only change when your contract is over. In this deal you do not have to pay beforehand. The most attractive thing is that you get the offer of low calling rates. The unique advantage of this deal is that you can find them with the handsets of all the leading companies like Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, Motorola, Nokia and Blackberry. The gadgets of these companies are equipped with advanced technologies and high-end features which include Bluetooth, memory capacity, GPRS, EDGE, WLAN, USB, long lasting battery back-up, camera, music player and FM radio. It is perfect for high income people, managers and businessmen because they do not have to worry about phone bills and they need unlimited talk time. If you will go for online shopping then you will find various gifts and lucrative deals like free talk time, free line rentals, free messages, insurance, cash back offers, free handset and free accessories. You can also find cheap contract deals. Therefore, people are attracted to these plans.

Payg Mobile Phone Deals:

It is another most impressive lucrative plan. This deal is useful for those people who want limited talk time or want to reduce their phone bills like housewives, students and other low income people. Teenagers enjoy talking on phone and sending text messages to their friends or parents may end up paying high bills. You just have to buy a sim card with various facilities like instant cash back, free gifts, free insurance and free text. You can change your network according to your suitability. It is just like prepaid schemes you have to pay beforehand to use the network service. If your talk time is over then you can recharge your account with your desired amount. They are the good options to keep your expenses down.

You can visit buy-phones co.uk website to find the best mobile phone deal. You also get the opportunity to compare the prices of all these deals.

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

MUI Mengenai Film Suster Keramas

Rin Sakuragi agak sedikit dongkol pada MUI.MAJELIS Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Samarinda tetap bersikukuh melarang pemutaran film SUSTER KERAMAS meskipun produser Maxima Picture, Ody Mulya Lubis telah jauh-jauh datang dari Jakarta untuk bersilaturahmi dengan jajaran pengurus MUI di Kota Tepian itu.

"Kami tetap mencekal film itu untuk diputar atau ditayangkan di gedung bioskop di Samarinda," kata Ketua MUI Samarinda KH Zaini Naim, terkait rencana akan diputar secara serentak film itu di berbagai daerah di Indonesia menjelang pergantian tahun tersebut. Zaini mengatakan bahwa film itu tidak memiliki nuansa mendidik bahkan lebih banyak menyimpang.

"Film tersebut tidak layak ditonton masyarakat, sebab hanya memamerkan aurat wanita sehingga kami meminta kepada pihak terkait untuk melarang pemutaran film tersebut," katanya. Ditambahkan oleh Zaini, apabila film itu diputar maka bisa dipastikan bahwa penontonnya akan didominasi kaum remaja sehingga berdampak bagi mental mereka.

MUI Samarinda hanya bisa mengingatkan kepada masyarakat di kota berpenduduk sekitar 700.000 jiwa agar tidak menonton film tersebut. Film itu melibatkan bintang film porno dari Jepang, Rin Sakuragi, pengganti Miyabi yang sebelumnya gagal didatangkan ke Indonesia. Pada salah satu adegan, pengganti Miyabi itu terlihat memamerkan kemolekan tubuhnya pada dua pemuda.

Film garapan Maxima Picture tersebut menggambarkan kedatangan seorang gadis Jepang ke Indonesia untuk mencari saudaranya yang bekerja sebagai perawat. Film yang dibintangi gadis kelahiran Hyogo, Jepang, pada 3 Maret 1989 banyak mempertontonkan adegan panas.

Odi Mulya sebelumnya sempat bersilaturahmi dengan jajaran MUI Samarinda serta berdialog dengan pimpinan Kantor Dinas Pariwisata dan Infokom Samarinda, dia mengajak dialog dengan kepala Dinas Infokom, Lakmi Edmon.(