Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Sony Ericsson X10 Smartphone

Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro - The Sony Ericsson X10 will be available from the 6th of April according to Vodafone which issued a press statement on the matter yesterday; in the meantime, those looking to buy the Android smartphone can already do so and expect a delivery next week.

Harga Sony Ericsson - The handset - formerly known as Rachel - can be obtained on a whopping 87 plans according to Vodafone's shop page (ed : that might be a glitch). Vodafone though is looking to push ahead with exclusive online deals which will reduce strain on its high street stores.

The X10 will be available for free on £35 per month tariffs with 900 minutes, unlimited texts and landline calls as well as 500MB of mobile internet and webmail. An additional £5 adds 300 extra minutes; note that both deals are online only.

The phone comes with an old version of Android (v1.6 rather than v2.1) and is preloaded with Vodafone's 360 Apps for MyWeb and Vodafone Music. It has a 4-inch touchscreen and the highest screen resolution we've seen on an Android smartphone to date.

Sony has also thrown in an 8-megapixel camera, the highest pixel count we've seen on an Android, WiFI, HSDPA, a 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and the timescape/mediascape features complete with a custom made user interface.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Darius Sinathrya ‎

Panasonic Awards 2010 - Suami Donna Agnesia, Darius Sinathrya, memperoleh penghargaan Panasonic Gobel Awards 2010 untuk kategori Presenter Olah Raga Terfavorit. Piala yang didapat Darius, Jumat (26/3/2010) malam, menjadi yang keempat kalinya.

"Ini piala keempat berturut-turut, luar biasa dan terima kasih sekali," ujarnya ketika ditemui di sela-sela acara Panasonic Gobel Awards 2010 di Djakarta Theatre, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (26/3/201) malam.

Darius awalnya tidak berharap banyak akan mendapat penghargaan tahun ini. Darius pesimis karena ia tak percaya pemenang Panasonic Awards selama tiga tahun berturut-turut akan kembali meraihnya.

Namun prediksinya meleset. Mayoritas pemilih masih menyukai sosok Darius sebagai presenter acara olah raga.

Penghargaan tersebut ia persembahkan untuk keluarganya, terutam Donna, yang juga masuk daftar nominasi. Peran Donna memang signifikan bagi karier Darius.

Mendapat empat penghargaan dan laris di mana-mana tidak membuat Darius puas. Ia merasa kalau kariernya masih bisa terus meningkat.

"Jalannya masih panjang jadi belum merasa ini puncak karier aku," pungkasnya.

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Nokia N97 Mobile Phone Review

Nokia N97 - Quote from review: "The Nokia N97 mobile phone is a compact phone with a slide out full QWERTY keyboard and a huge 3.5" touch screen with tilt. I would mostly use this as a personal phone to get all my emails, surf the web, take pictures and videos and of course store them in the huge 32 GB storage space. So I tested it for about two weeks and these are my results.

The HP Nokia Terbaru N97 mobile phone is a compact phone with a slide out full QWERTY keyboard and a huge 3.5" touch screen with tilt. I would mostly use this as a personal phone to get all my emails, surf the web, take pictures and videos and of course store them in the huge 32 GB storage space.

The N97 is unlocked so you can use any SIM card and it even has WiFi built-in. Email setup is a walk in the park also (type in your email address and password and it will do the rest for you). There is also a 5 megapixel camera with LED flash and a video camera with video light. So I tested it for about two weeks and these are my results.

The N97 is a compact tilt slider mobile phone with a huge 3.5" touch screen. It is slightly larger than the E75 but we really can't compare it to that because it is not of the same class. It's a little on the heavy side but it is also thin and solid built. Nokia phones have always been well built and can take lots of beating before they even hiccup. The slider feels solid and the tilt is a nice touch because it feels natural unlike the E75. The huge touch screen responds to your taps and slides very well and watching videos on that baby is very good. Since it is a touch screen device, there are no keys on the front panel itself besides the Menu, Send and End. The dial pad is virtual and you also get a virtual alphabet keypad too if you prefer. I personally like the slid out keyboard better.

The camera button on the lower right hand side is placed well and the volume control buttons are on the top right side (these come in handy quiet often). When you rotate the phone horizontally to take a picture these buttons act as the zoom for it. The camera button works as the shutter. Makes sense! The 3.5 inch display has 640 x 360 pixels resolution and 16 million colors. On the left you have the microUSB port the screen lock slider button and the speaker phone holes on the top and bottom. The power button is on the top left and the 3.5mm headset jack is in the middle (also on the top). It measures 4.61 x 2.18 x 0.63 inches in dimensions and weighs 5.29 ounces. There is also a little stylus that is the size of a USB drive but you would be better off using your fingers instead (if there was a hidden slot for it on the phone itself then that would have been a different situation).

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Opick Biayai Sendiri Film

Film Indonesia Terbaru - Opick tertipu investor dan berurusan dengan hukum saat hendak menggarap film Asmaul Husna. Film tersebut batal diproduksi. Kini, Opick membiayai sendiri film berjudul Di Bawah Langit.

Di Film Terbaru yang akan tayang pada 18 Maret itu, penyanyi religi ini bertindak sebagai sutradara, produser, ide cerita, scoring musik dan sekaligus pemeran utama. Opick memilih menggarap sendiri film perdananya itu karena belajar dari pengalaman lalu.

"Sebenarnya ada yang mau investasi, tapi saya ingin biaya sendiri. Saya pikir saya cukup bisa mengerjakan sendiri untuk meminimalisir kejadian kemarin. Saya enggak ada trauma, saya cuma jadikan ini pelajaran," terang Opick di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Senin (15/3/2010).

Opick enggan menguak berapa nominal yang dihabiskan untuk memproduksi film tersebut. "Standar di atas m (miliar) lah. Kalau kemarin itu (film Asmaul Husna) bisa mencapai Rp25 miliar, film ini tidak sampai segitu," katanya.

Kasus film Asmaul Husna yang semula akan disutradarai Hanung Bramantyo itu berimbas terhadap imej Opick. Menurut penyanyi Tombo Ati itu, kini tak sedikit yang memandang sebelah mata kepadanya.

"Khususnya kalau menyanyi, mereka agak mikir kalau mau mengajak saya. Di internet pun dicaci-maki. Karena kejadian kemarin, semua ustad kena sasaran dan dimaki-maki. Tapi saya enggak pernah pesimistis selama Allah bersama saya," ujarnya.

Sekarang, dengan membuat film sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain, Opick lebih puas. Dia bisa berhemat.

"Dengan tidak melibatkan orang lain, pengeluaran bisa kecil tapi film tetap utuh. Untuk film berikutnya, ada orang luar yang investasi. Mereka pandai berhitung. Cara manajerialnya juga bagus," tandasnya.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

What Turns Them On

Nancy Benoit - A rounded peach shaped buttock is considered most attractive for men. The woman’s buttocks stores fat for breast feeding and storage for lean times. This is also why bigger buttocks are also considered attractive. If you where to look at past females they would purposely try to make their buttocks seem larger. But today this is seen as bad health and over-indulgence.

Nancy Benoit Hustler Pics - Designer jeans help in giving the buttocks a firm rounded look. High heel shoes make your back arch and push your buttocks outward. And also makes you wiggle when you walk. Which this all helps to obviously attract male attention. A real attention grabber is the latest jeans that show the top part of the bum.

6. Flat Belly

A flat belly indicates that she is not pregnant. And second most importantly that she is in good health. This being why gymnasium and yoga classes are filled with people trying and getting a flat tummy. Sit ups are an easy exercise for at home.

Tummy tops and hip huggers are used to show more of the stomach. And at the same time draw more attention to the hips. Making them seem larger and more within reach (teasing).

Jewelry is a good way to attract attention to your stomach. Such as a belly button ring or a gold or silver chain around the waist. Most males find this very attractive s it aids in making your hips seem larger and your waist narrower.

7. Arched Back & Vulva

A woman’s body is much smaller and curvier then a man\'s. Her upper back is narrower and her lower back is wider and her spine more arched. The arching makes the buttocks protrude and push the breast forward.

All of these curves and arches is a sign of feminity. Ask any woman to be sexy and her first position will usually be an exaggerated back-arch and hip-tilt with one or both arms placed on her hips to take up more space and so be more likely to attract attention.

8. Long Neck

Men’s necks are short, wide and strong. They are this way to prevent them from snapping. And to carry heavy objects such as animals after a hunt.

Meaning that the female’s long neck is a strong gender signal, which men love to kiss and see adorned with jewelry.

9. The face

Small faces with short chins, delicate jaws, high cheekbones, full lips, and eyes that are big in proportion to the face. In general a vulnerable childish face and a wide smile are most loved by men.

This triggers paternal reactions in men to protect and a sexual reaction to touch. The fact that men are attracted to young faces has driven older woman to achieve this look thru plastic surgery. You can find a few examples on your own just by looking at Hollywood’s finest.

We will now go over every part of the face to see how the male brain reacts to them:

10. Sensual Mouth

Humans are the only animals to have their lips on the outside. A woman’s lips are the same thickness as her vagina and both when aroused expand and fill with blood.

Lipstick mimics this state: Telling men that she is turned on by him or interested in him. Bright red lipstick is one of the strongest sexual signals a woman can use. Blushing is also a state of arousal. Rouge is worn to create this effect permanently. Face powder gives the skin a smooth flawless complexion giving a teenage complexion.

11. Ear Lobes

The length of a woman’s earlobes is also a strong sexual signal. Woman in Africa have been purposely expanding them for thousands of years.

Today this is achieved by wearing long earrings. It is proven that the more the earrings dangle the more the men are attracted. Although the use of long earrings often is not a good idea as they can cause damage. Use them more for romantic encounters.

The use of more subtle lipstick and eye shadow should be considered in the business world. As it may attract the wrong attention from males and cause rivalry with other females.

12. Attractive eyes

Large eyes are attractive in most countries. Makeup is used to make the eyes seem larger to men therefore giving them the protective feeling. If a woman is attracted in a man, her pupils dilate, and mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner all create a permanent state of attractiveness. Contact lenses give the eyes a glossy, dilated look. Experiments show men are strangely attracted to woman wearing contacts.

Celebrities caught without make up are photographed and displayed in magazines to make other woman feel good about themselves. The modern woman has become so used to makeup that they think they are ugly without it. Make up should be used as an aid to entice the natural beauty that all woman have. Men find this more attractive then those who use it as a mask to hide behind.

13. Small nose

A childlike feature that once again brings out the protective parental feelings in a man. Most cartoons are drawn with large eyes and a cute button nose to win over the hearts of The viewers. This being the reason for nose surgery to form the nose 35-40 degrees to the face. And giving it a childlike appearance.

14. Long hair

A single hair lives for 6 years; you loose 80-100 hairs a day. Blondes have an average of 140,000 hairs, brunettes 110,000 and redheads 90,000. Blondes have higher estrogen levels that men pick up on and see them as being more fertile. Blonde hair is also seen as a sign of youth.

Smooth, silky clean looking hair is seen as a sign of good health. And the capability to carry offspring. Out of a survey of 5000 men 75% of them where more attracted to long hair as the other 12% was for shorter hair. And the other had no preference.

Remember keep it long to attract and wear it short for business.

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